Outside at the moment it's -20 degrees; -30 degrees if you count the wind chill. I had a moment when I was out walking this morning where I actually thought my ears were going to fall off. Luckily for me, they decided to stick around.
Perhaps the only thing more paralysing than the cold, is the fear of starting over. The fear that comes with taking that first step out into your new life. Exposing yourself to rejection and criticism. It crippled me on Friday night. I stayed at home. I told myself I'd go out on Saturday night instead, which I did. It may have taken me three 500mL Canadian beers to work up the courage to do so, but I'm very proud that I did. I've never even been out in Brisbane by myself, so to venture out in a strange city without anyone by my side took some testicles. Big ones.
I caught the streetcar to Slack's, which is a lezzie bar on Church Street. Does anyone else find it terribly ironic that all of the main gay nightlife in Toronto is on Church Street? I ordered a Bud LIght and stood at the bar ogling off the crowd, trying to pick if there was anyone hovering by themself or in a small group. I focussed my energies on a group of three girls towards the end of the bar that I had pretty much confirmed were going to be my first conversational target. Two seconds later a bloody Pom starts talking to me. Name: Jay. Here for work from the UK. Nice enough.
Slack's was a little lacklustre so we decided to catch a cab together to Cherry Bomb. Jay and I were dancing but I kind of lost her in the crowd. And then I met Alex.
Um way to leave us hanging!!!!!!!!!!